Tuesday, April 21, 2020


Cristiane Lira, Lecturer & Director of Undergraduate Studies for Portuguese


Traditional brigadeiros

  • 1 can of condensed milk 14 oz
  •  3 tbs of chocolate powderunsweetened – 1 oz
  • 1 teaspoon of butter
  •  Chocolate sprinkles


For the traditional brigadeiros

  • In a small pot, put the condensed milk, the cocoa powder (if you want, you can sift it) and the butter.
  • Cook it over slow heat always mixing with a wooden spoon or spatula, until it sticks out of the pot bottom. This is important: when you tilt the pot a little bit, you'll notice that the brigadeiro “slides”, sticking out of the bottom.
  • Turn the heat off and pour it over a platter lightly greased with butter.
  • Let it cool down. Then, grease your hands with butter and mold the brigadeiro in little balls, taking small portions of the chocolate mix with the help of a small spoon. Cover it with chocolate sprinkles and then put it in little paper molds or on a platter lined with wax paper.

I love brigadeiros because they are deliciously rich and super easy to make. With only three ingredients (no need for sprinkles when I prepare it at home to be eaten by the spoon) - brigadeiros são muito gostosos!