Tuesday, April 21, 2020

This recipe contributed by Candace Lockett, LMC TA Kaylee Lockett's mother.  When she says use the highest quality free range eggs you can find, she means it - when I was a kid she would send me into the backyard to take them directly out from under the chicken!  -KL

I don’t remember which friend or family member gave me this recipe because it’s so easy, I’ve never written it down. Years ago when I asked my family what to call it, one of them suggested “the secret to happiness” and the room agreed, nodding, licking spoons and scraping bowls. 


In a cup, bowl, or ramekin, it is a rich chocolate custard. In a pie crust… it’s a rich chocolate pie. 


Use the highest quality free range eggs you can find or purchase pasteurized since they won’t be cooked, or substitute 1 cup of pressed and pureed soft tofu for the eggs to make an eggless vegan version.



1 12 oz. bag semi sweet chocolate chips (Ghirardelli, or whatever you can find)

4 eggs (pasteurized or free range)

8 oz. strong, hot coffee. 

1 tsp. vanilla 



pre-cooked pie crust (Graham and chocolate cookie crusts really shine here.)

whipped Cream

chocolate shavings

strawberries or raspberries



  1. Add all ingredients to blender and blend until smooth. 
  2. Pour into 6 ramekins, jelly jars, or one pre-baked pie crust.
  3. Refrigerate at least 2 hours until “set.” Time will vary depending on your container.
  4. Top with whipped cream, chocolate shavings, and/or berries if desired.