Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Taskababi / Lamb Onion Stew

Alka Aziz

Taskababi or onion water as they like to call it in Kurdistan is a classic Kurdish food made frequently in winter. Historically it has been cooked in a clay pot, but given the limitations of the modern kitchen, it can now be cooked in a normal pot on low heat.

This dish symbolizes Kurdish cuisine in its simplicity, wholesome ingredients and flavor. It is pure comfort food – I hope you give it a try and experience a spoonful of Kurdistan.


T askababi / Lamb Onion Stew



  • 500g lamb cutlets
  • 500g pearl onions (peeled)
  • 500ml Beef stock
  • 50ml Boiling water
  • 2 dried limes
  • 2 garlic cloves (peeled)
  • 2 cinnamon sticks
  • 4.5 tbsps. tomato paste
  • 1-2 tbsps. of oil
  • 1⁄2 tsp. cumin
  • salt and pepper to taste


  1. Heat up the oil on medium to high heat in a medium sized pot and add the lamb cutlets to brown.
  2. Add the dried limes, cinnamon stick and the tomato paste and mix for 2 minutes.
  3. Add the onions and garlic gloves and mix well for 3 minutes.
  4. Pour 500ml of beef stock (adjust salt levels based on the sodium of the stock) and the boiling water.
  5. Flavor with cumin, salt and pepper based on your preferences.
  6. Cover on low heat for 2 hours and a half or when the meat is tender. 
  7. Uncover on medium heat for 25 minutes or until the soup has slightly thickened in consistency.
  8. Serve with some rice or bread.


  • Lamb is traditionally used in this recipe, but you can also use beef.
  • Make sure to adjust the cooking time.
  • The pearl onion is really the hero of the dish, alternatively if you can’t find them, you can also use other types of onions cut up in large chunks.
  • I refrain from putting down exact measurements for salt as this varies based on preference, however I tend to use 1⁄2 tbsp of salt
Taskababi / Lamb Onion Stew


This recipe along with many more can be found on the Instagram page @aKurdishFoodie with step-by-step pictures in the aim of preserving and documenting Kurdish culinary traditions.