Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Potato Pizza
This recipe contributed by Delaney Cornforth, UI Grad and Childcare worker.
I studied abroad in Viterbo, Italy in fall of 2018. While I was there, I of course was able to sample many delicious foods. One of those foods came from the little bar (cafe) on the campus of Tuscia university. This bar sold a variety of baked goods, including a couple of types of pizza. Since I don't eat meat other than fish, potato pizza was my go-to lunch item. In fact, it was my lunch most days because of my class schedule and the fact that my apartment was a 20-minute walk from campus. When I made it here at home, my boyfriend and I attempted to make focaccia to use as the crust, and were only a little bit successful. We also used Asiago rather than mozzarella. 
  • Ingredents
    • 1 lb pizza dough
    • 4-5 yellow, waxy potatoes
    • 4-5 tbsp good quality extra virgin olive oil 
    • Kosher salt/sea salt and black pepper to taste
    • Sprig of rosemary/dried rosemary to taste 
    • 6-8 oz fresh mozzarella (optional) 


  • Instructions
    • Shape the dough into the shape of your pan-preferably rectangular-then place the dough onto it. Drizzle about a tablespoon or more of extra virgin olive oil and rub it over the surface evenly. 
    • Preheat oven to 500 F, or the hottest your oven goes. 
    • Wash/dry potatoes, then, without peeling, slice thinly. 
    • Toss slices with 2-3 tbsp olive oil and spices. You may add cheese at this point, but you don't need to. 
    • Layer the potatoes on the dough in rows, going all the way to the edge. (You can leave a crust if you'd like). 
    • Drizzle a little more olive oil-about a teaspoon or so-on top and spread with a brush. I added my Asiago cheese sprinkled over the top at this point. 
    • Place pizza on lowest rack of the oven for 4 minutes, then move it to the middle or top for 8-11 minutes, or until the potatoes start to brown. 
    • Remove from the oven and cut. Enjoy hot, warm, or cold!