Monday, May 11, 2020


This recipe is contributed by Claire Frances, LMC Instructional Services Manager at the University of Iowa.


I adopted this recipe many years ago from something I read on the internet. It’s become a family staple. My international friends particularly like this dish at Thanksgiving as it has a spicy kick to it. It’s vegetarian, gluten free, and can be a great side dish for meat-based dinners as well. The potatoes wilt the kale. The spices offset the potatoes sweetness. This dish is yummy and incredibly nutritious!


I don’t measure ingredients; you’ll need 4-5 sweet potatoes, a bag of kale, cumin, ginger, cayenne, salt, and olive oil.


  • Preheat oven to 400 degrees. 
  • Peel and cube sweet potatoes.
  • Toss with a combination of spices. I never measure these but just shake and toss until all potatoes are completely covered. I tend to go heavy on the cayenne.
  • Spread potatoes on a cookie sheet and cover with olive oil. Again, I don’t measure. Those potatoes need to be coated so they’ll roast nicely.
  • Roast until soft. Finish under the broiler so that some are browned.
  • Toss with a bag of kale. And sprinkle with lime juice. Top with fresh chopped cilantro, if you have any.


Other add ins/modifications:

  • Roast some sliced red onions or red peppers along with potatoes.
  • Toss with sesame seeds and soy sauce.
  • I often serve it with pork cooked in green salsa, which is the easiest recipe ever: Put a pork shoulder or boneless pork ribs in a crock pot. Cover with 1/2 a jar of salsa. Let cook for at least 6 hours until fork tender.
  • For non-pork meat eaters, chicken in green salsa works just as nicely.
  • For vegetarians, Black beans and yellow rice also round this out.