Tuesday, November 3, 2020

The recipe is contributed by Hianca Pinho, the CLCL Portuguese Peer Tutor.

"Brigaderio [bɾiga'dejɾu] is a traditional Brazilian dessert. Imagine that a truffle and a bonbon had a child. That child is the brigaderio. You will find this sweet in various festive events, such as birthday parties and baby showers. I love this recipe because it is simple and oh-so-delicious. For a full experience, shape it into little balls, but if you can't wait, grab a spoon and dig in! " ~ Hianca Pinho


  • 1 tablespoon butter
  • 14 oz sweetened condensed milk
  • ¼ cup cocoa powder
  • 1 cup chocolate sprinkle, as needed


  1. In a pot over low heat, melt the butter, condensed milk, and cocoa powder, stirring continuously until you can see the bottom of the pot for 2-3 seconds when dragging a spatula through.
  2. Pour onto a greased plate, then chill for 1 hour.
  3. Shape and roll the chilled mixture into balls.
  4. Roll the balls in chocolate sprinkles.
  5. Enjoy!
brigaderios in small ball shapes

 Recipe from Tasty